Elly by Frair Dave This gets pretty explicit, folks. Names have been changed to protect those who had a helluva good time and maybe learned something, too. If explicit language describing the consensual activities of healthy human adults bothers you in any way, please -- read no farther. And note: This is not for kids! ELLY THREE When I awoke, I lay there for a few minutes trying to sort things out. The clock said 9:08. After reminding myself that this was a Saturday and I did not have to go into the place I laughingly refer to as "work," I began to wonder: Had I dreamed it? No; there was a wet spot where she'd lain. And I became aware of the aroma of fresh coffee (half- Sumatra, quarter-pound each of French-roasted Mexican Altura and French- roasted Colombian, dripped in a Braun Melitta-filter pot) I rolled to my feet, pulled on my faded blue terrycloth robe, slipped into my slippers (clever name for them, eh?) and thwap-thwapped into the living room. Elly had opened the shutters and glorious sunshine was pouring in through the fourth-floor windows of my tenement apartment. She was doing wonderful things for my old, blue Dior robe (the tattered one that came halfway to my calves). A cup of The Good Stuff was on the battered old oak table next to the love seat and she'd switched the stereo to play through the living room speakers, the ones in the books shelves. It was something called "LITE FM" and I hated it. "LITE" means no calories and calories are a measure of heat; no-one was ever going to accuse Ann Murray or Kansas of generating heat with their music. On Elly's lap was the three-ring binder in which I keep photocopies of my published stories. She looked up as I entered. Her eyes were red-rimmed; she'd been weeping. "Oh, David," she said, "I can't believe you wrote these!" "Why not?" I already knew which one had elicited that response. "Because I like to fuck?" Her expression collapsed. "Why do you have to spoil it?" "I'm a package deal. With the beautiful story comes the guy who supported himself for a couple of years by writing brilliant, sensitive stuff like `Lezzy Bitch' and `Mom, Sis And Every Body'. And if that disappoints you, think what it does for me, okay?" She looked down and pursed her lips. I tried to ignore the Parting of the Robe. She murmured, "I guess that's fair. I mean, you'll take me as a package deal, I guess I have to do the same. You don't mind being with a slutty bimbo who loves being fucked and cumming all the time." She looked up at me, beautiful blue eyes wide and bright. "I don't mind and I don't think you're slutty." She closed the binder and set it aside. I was disappointed that She wasn't compelled to finish what She was reading. She leaned forward and I got a good view all the way down the front of her robe. She opened mind and sucked my cock, still coated with our juices from the night before, completely into her mouth and began using her tongue to wash it. The inevitable happened quickly. She pulled back and released it and looked up at me. "I get off sucking cock. Drinking semen makes me get over." "I know. So does being licked or having a cock inside you -- " "That's different. Then I can't stop cumming and I don't want to. But drinking it, getting off that way -- then it's just once and I'm in control." "And the other way you're being controlled." "No -- no, the other way I'm out of control, I can't control myself. That's why I started studying Yoga when I was fifteen -- to help me learn to control myself. I controlled my eating and stopped smoking and never do drugs anymore and hardly ever even drink. And I never, ever masturbate. That way nothing controls me but me and no one can control me or hurt me or take advantage of me." "That's why you want it to hurt you when you fuck." She nodded gravely. "If it doesn't hurt -- well, you saw what happened." She was blushing. "I just keep getting over..." She dropped her eyes. "It's not natural to be such a slut. That's why you're the first man I ever let lick me and that was just because I like you so much." I frowned, pulled my robe closed and sat down in the rocker facing the couch. "Last night you told me you liked it -- before I licked you." "No, I didn't -- " "You're not a good liar." "But you are the first -- " She stopped and tears welled up. "How old were you when you let a woman lick you?" "A year before I met you, my cousin and I, we -- we --" "You liked it." "Yes, dammit!" She shouted and then looked away. Softly: "I used to masturbate and get over every night before I went to sleep. But when Adele licked me, I went nuts. I licked her, too, and she went nuts, too. That's when I realized what a slut I am, because she was the biggest slut you ever saw and I was getting over just like her." "How do you know she was a slut?" "I'd seen her doing it with guys and men. She'd do it with any guy she saw, sometimes whole bunches of them. It was like she couldn't get enough, like she was an addict." "Sounds like she was a sex addict, alright. And a slut. But you're no slut." "How can you say that? Only a slut would get over the way I do -- " "You're saying that every woman I ever cared about is a slut?" I growled, as menacingly as I could. It must have been pretty effective because her eyes widened, she jerked back on the couch and cringed, holding the robe closed. I'm terrific at terrifying insecure women under five feet tall. "No! I just meant -- " "The hell! You said a multiorgasmic woman is a slut and every woman I've ever cared about has been multiorgasmic." "But -- " I pointed at the frame photo of a nude torso on the wall. "You've met her. Is she a slut?" "Her?" Disbelief. "What about Livinia?" "Who?" "The Filipino woman who used to work in the laundromat. Is she a slut?" "But she was always nice and pleasant and polite and never -- " "That's two. You've met both of them, talked with them. By your definition, they're sluts -- because they're multiorgasmic." "I don't understand," she whispered. "You read a lot, Elly. There've been hundreds of articles in women's magazines about women being naturally multiorgasmic." "I don't read those articles. They start me thinking and then I want to get over too much." She blushed. "Even just talking about it, now, makes me -- you know." "Horny." "I can probably get over just by thinking about it and imagining it, I think." I stared at her for a long time. "Elly, I know women who'd kill to be able to do that." "Really? Are they slutty?" "Nope. Elly, what do you do when your sweetheart wants you? Make him hurt you?" "He can't help it. He's so, you know, big that it always hurts to have him inside. We hardly ever do that, because he likes to have me suck him off. I like that." "I know." Her eyes were open, but she wasn't seeing me at the moment. Pornographic images were in her field of vision. Her nipples were swollen points jabbing the front of the tautly held robe. Considering that the robe is terrycloth, that's pretty impressive. "And I like you," she said suddenly. "You listen to me and talk to me. But you're telling me to take a chance and give in to being a slut." "When you wanted to lose weight, you didn't stop eating completely, did you?" She shook her head. "I just learned to eat regular meals and eat the right stuff." "Same thing. Get crazy only when it's right for you and do what feels good with the right people. Use your head the way you did when you were dieting. You're acting like an anorexic -- someone who's compulsive about not eating so he can avoid being fat." "So you're telling me that you don't think I'm a slut, that it's natural for a woman to get over so much and that the way I'm doing it isn't really healthy for me." "In my humble opinion." She looked up at the Library Wall. I watched the robe, to see if the nipples were going poke holes in it. I didn't think so, but I wasn't willing to put money on it. "I don't know," she mumbled. "Think about that while I get some coffee." "Mm-hm." I stood and went over to stand before her. She refocused her eyes on me. She was slightly flushed and her breathing was shallow. "And one other thing," I said. "What?" "While I'm drinking my coffee in the dining room..." I took her hand put it over her cunt and squeezed. She gasped -- but didn't try to stop. "I want you to touch yourself." "I don't know -- " "Please, as a favor." I didn't have to wait for a reply, because her fingers were already moving of their own accord. I would have preferred to stay and watch, but I wanted my coffee -- and to keep the conditions I'd set. I fed to so-called cat and sat down to drink my coffee. I did not look at the clock and tried not to scald myself with haste. I also tried not to visualize what was going on in the living room. I remembered Elly as I'd met her. She was mentally rather mature for her age -- 16 -- and sold donuts at a local store, over near the subway. Her poise and perception and literacy had impressed me. Becoming acquaintances and even friends was odd. Odd because I am truly repulsed, physically, by overweight females. (Don't take this as sexist, please; I suppose that the vast majority of women are repulsed by overweight males, too.) That made it easy to be a friend to her, to be a confident and, occasionally, an advisor -- because I knew I'd never be tempted to hit on her and she could sense that I was safe. As time passed, she would sometimes call me late at night, after her strict (Old Country Polish) mother had already turned in. She knew that I stayed up late and l encouraged her to call. There was something fragile about her. She needed a friend, a man whose interests weren't confined to fucking her, or who -- like me -- wasn't at all interested in fucking her. Considering her weight, that was no problem for me. After she left the donut store, sometimes we'd bump into each other. More often than not, it was at the local video store. We'd chat a bit while we walked as far as my corner (she lived much farther east, in the old end of the neighborhood) and one night we stood and talked for almost an hour. Neither of us wanted to stop sharing of ourselves. She'd ask about my girlfriend -- though "main squeeze" was more like it, since my girl and I had sort of an open relationship -- and I'd ask what new love was in her life. She was a hopeless romantic, falling in and out of love weekly, but usually had to worship from afar. Eventually, we simply lost touch with each other. Her footsteps in the hallway snapped me back to the moment. I finished my coffee and looked up, expecting to see her come into the dining room. Instead, the steps changed direction and then I heard her bump into the door jamb -- she is Polish, after all -- and then heard her hit the bed. I heard sheets rustle. Then: "David, please come here." Her voice had a quaver in it. Being not nearly as dumb a I look, I immediately went to her. When I got there, she had the covers pulled up to her neck. Only her flushed face, framed by disheveled hair, was visible. Her hands wee moving beneath the covers, though, clearly cupping and gliding over her breasts, then sliding down her torso to move at the juncture of her thighs. I closed the door and looked down at her from the foot of the bed. My cock was already throbbing hard beneath my robe. "I just kept getting over until I had to have you. Oooo... What would make you hot?" she breathed. Her eyes were half-closed. The heaving of her breasts beneath the light blanket increased. "C'mon -- tell me." I walked around to stand beside the bed next to her head. She started to reach for me. "No -- keep touching yourself." "Does that turn you on?" I opened my robe. "What do you think?" She licked her lips. "Whatever you like ..." "I want you to -- " I stopped, watching her reach between her legs under the covers. Her legs parted wider and she hunched her shoulders. Her breathing deepened. "You want me to what?" "It turns you on having me watch you, doesn't it?" "Yeah!" "I want you to cum for me while I watch you." "I can't -- " "Yes, you can." "But I want you inside me, where it aches -- " She kneaded her cunt frantically. "I need it so baaaaad inside me..." I reached behind me and into the top drawer of the dresser. When she opened her eyes, they widened. "I want to watch you using this." "I couldn't -- " "That's what would get me really turned on." "I can't -- " But even as she objected, her eyes were locked on the very realistic eight-inch dildo. I pulled back the bedcovers, exposing that magnificent young body. She started to remove her hand from her soaked pussy, but I covered her hand with mine and then kissed her slippery fingers. She barely hesitated in her furious masturbation. She was holding her labia apart with the fingers of one hand and furiously rubbing her clit with the other thumb while trying to force two fingers deeper into that sweet, syrupy little slit. I stood and took the K-Y from the same drawer and smeared a liberal dose on the dildo. She focused on it like a bird watching a cobra as I brought it slowly down between her thighs. When I put the tip against her exposed cunt, she jerked. "Cold," she said. "It'll get warm fast." She rolled her hips and pressed her pelvis down and toward the dildo. I pushed it a little and she gasped as it began to slide in. Her fingering of her clit speeded up. I worked the latex head back and forth a few times, watching her rhythm alter. When her cunt was reaching for it all the time, I pushed the head all the way in. She gasped and then groaned and began revolving her hips around it. She took the labia parting hand away and began caressing her breasts. I was jealous. "It feels so big in there, so good and big and stretching me so muuuuu..." I led the tit-fondling hand down and placed it on the shaft, then took my fingers away. She worked it back and forth experimentally a few times, then began slowly pumping herself with it, taking the inch-and-a- half thick dildo deeper each time. "Oh, yeah, this feels so good, feels so good, feels so good," she breathed, chanting in time to her thrusts. Her hips were taut, now, and she was starting to arch her ass from the bed. Suddenly, she arched higher and rolled slowly over onto her belly. She pulled her knees up, leaving her shoulders and face flat on the bed, and began pushing that latex prick deeper. Whatever she was muttering was lost in the pillow. I looked at her in profile. Her face was turned toward me and was totally slack with pleasure. Her hair was a singular, disheveled mess. Her position was crushing her over-sized tits so they bulged out to either side of her. She had her knees pulled up so far that her kneecaps were pushing against her breasts. Her sleek little ass was outthrust beautifully. And her hand, still gripping the base of the dildo, occasionally appeared briefly between her taut thighs before disappearing back between. I reached out and began lightly caressing her back. After about twenty seconds, she was cumming -- hard. She kept pumping her pussy with the indefatigable dildo and her pussy kept pumping right back: She kept cumming. I took my fingers from her back and she moaned, "Touch me! Please!" She was cumming faster now and I didn't want to spoil the mood or anything, so I accommodated her. It was a great sacrifice. I traced my fingertips on the overflow swell of her left breast and she continued pumping, now with less regularity. She was starting to lose her coordination and all self-control. I leaned forward and kissed her hot cheek gently and whispered, "You are so beautiful and wonderful. You're turning me on beyond belief!" She just moaned and continued getting off on what she was doing. I went to the foot of the bed and bent and began kissing and licking the small of her back. Inches beneath my chin, she was thrusting the dildo harder and harder into herself. I grabbed her buttocks and gave them a squeeze, then spent so time nibbling lightly on them, then kissed and licked them. My hands stayed busy on her hips and thighs, caressing. She was moaning softly and continuously now and her whole body was shaking. I licked down the sweet, narrow furrow of her tiny, taut ass and when I got to the opening, kept right on licking. She was quivering all over, cumming without pause, now, and with growing intensity. I located the K-Y, and lubed up a finger while rimming her teeny little asshole. I thrust my tongue against pinpoint opening, then licked up and down and kissed the inner swells of her cheeks again. Then I put my slippery fingertip against her anus and slowly massaged the K-Y into it. "Yessssss...." she hissed loudly. I pressed the fingertip in to the first knuckle. I could feel the dildo pumping through that thin membrane separating the channels. Her ass clamped down on my finger and spasmed powerfully as she continued cumming. I worked it in farther and then carefully moved it in and out. I thought of how it would feel to have my prick in there and regretted that she was so tiny that my dick would hurt her too much. Doubly regretted it, because she was obviously enjoying what I was doing back there and she moaned when I removed the finger. I went back to the side of the bed and rolled her onto her side. She slowed her pumping and looked up at me. Her eyes focused for a moment and she said in a distant, amazed voice: "I just can't stop getting over, David! I just keep cumming!" "It's so wonderful," I answered. I rolled her over the rest of the way. She reached up with one shaking, juice-soaked hand and grabbed my stiff prick. "Please?" she said, pulled me toward her face. "Please?" I straddled her and felt the her huge breasts brushed the backs of my thighs. Her nipples were stiff as spikes. I lowered my cock to her eager mouth and that long, limber tongue flickered out to guide it the rest of the way to her welcoming lips. She locked on to my dick about halfway down. I leaned forward, onto my outstretched arms, and looked down to watch as I slowly, carefully, pump my dick in and out of her mouth. Beyond that, her wondrous tits thrust upward, capped by outrageously swollen nipples. And beyond those, I could see her hips canted up, her knees wide and feet flat on the bed. She was holding the dildo almost motionless and fucking it with urgent thrusts. Every half- minute or so, she would hold herself still and catgut taut and cum in shuddering waves. The room was ripe with the smell of hot pussy. It was too much for me and very quickly I was pulsing in her mouth. I didn't have to tell her I was cumming; she knew it was imminent. She sucked maniacally, cumming constantly as she did. When I finally began spurting in her mouth, she gobbled my cock to the back of her throat and gulped me right down and in. I felt like all my semen was exploding out of me in one long, uninterrupted stream -- and she was drinking it all and cumming so hard that she was arching on the bed beneath me. She drained me dry and kept sucking. I pulled my spent dick from her lips and rolled to one side. She continued cumming, her hand a blur as she rubbed her clitoris, her hips chattering up at the dildo held in fast by the other hand. She was gasping a word. I put my ear close and finally made it out: "More...more...more..." Each time it was a little explosion of barely modulated breath. I leaned down on the bed and began licking her breasts and then suckled her. I ran my hands lightly all over her. She was cumming constantly now, without interruption. I licked lower, over her abdomen and then around her mons. I caressed her thighs and reached beneath the lightly cup and squeeze her ass. Her buttocks wee in constant spasm as she came. I leaned farther and she grabbed my hair and forced my mouth down to her clitoris. As she kept grinding her cunt on the dildo, I sucked her clit carefully into my lips and began lightly running my tongue around -- but as fast as I could: swirling. I wrapped my arms around her slim hips and grabbed her ass and bore her back down to the bed. "YES!" she screamed suddenly, loud enough to scare the neighbors dog into barking. Her body began writhing, serpentine, beneath me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled herself to me so tightly, I thought one of us was going to break. Her mouth was against my abdomen and I felt her screaming nonstop against me as she came. She came harder and harder and then, abruptly, went silent. Her hips hunched and then relaxed and she fell shiveringly limp. The dildo was pushed ever so slowly out of her cunt, followed by an enormous accumulation of Elly juices that seemed to pour out of her. Even as I rolled away, hearing her panting slow, she shuddered and came again. I sat up with my back to the wall and looked at her. Elly's body continued, slowly, to shake with pleasure, as if echoes of the orgasms were still bouncing around in there. The flush was just beginning to fade from her chest. I stretched out beside her and took her into my arms. The bedside clock said noon. I nestled her, spoon-fashion, against me and kiss the side of her neck. She smiled in her sleep. I smiled back, anyhow. When she woke I would tell her that she had helped me realize a fantasy I've had since I was eighteen: To be with a woman and help her cum so hard and so much that she passes out from the sheer pleasure of it. Forty-five minutes later, I was awakened by the sound of the shower running. I donned the ratty old robe, creaked out of the bedroom and knocked. "Come on in!" I heard her drawing the curtain. She had drawn it open. Elly stood there with her hair in the incredibly stupid pink showercap I keep for guests, with water sluicing off her incredible little body. I had great fun watching her use the Ivory Soap on the astonishing curves, and my cock had even more fun in mind. She spotted the growth and her eyes half-closed and her nipples began to swell. Her hands dipped between her legs and started moving, then withdrew. I started to pull off the robe. "Don't," she said softly. "I have to get going." "Don't you want me anymore?" She grabbed my hand and put it between her legs. I slid a finger deep inside her. The hot moisture in there wasn't from any shower. "Desperately," she said softly, putting a kiss on beard and pushing my hand away from her cunt. "But I have to run some errands and do some housekeeping." "Still think of yourself as a slut?" I whispered. She laughed and straightened, completing her rinsing. As I watched her towel herself dry, she said, "Right now? No. But when I want to, I'll be a slut, alright. Like before." She shook her head in amazement and wrapped the towel around herself. "I never would have imagined I could ever cum so much! I actually passed out from it!" I walked her to the bedroom and watched her dress while I told her about the fantasy. "That's the kind of fantasy I would've thought you had, David." She was wearing her jeans and had her bra on, but not clasped. She leaned up to kiss my chin. "It's too bad that once you do something, it can't be a fantasy anymore." "Naaaah. I'd like to do it again -- lots." "Really?" "You betcha." "Me, too. The same goes for my fantasy." I frowned as she hooked the bra and reached for her plum-colored blouse. "What's that?" "The one I've had since I was sixteen -- about you." "I'm ready." She gave my stiff dick a squeeze. "So I noticed." She button her blouse, saying, "And I've had other fantasies, but I've always suppressed them." "I'd love to hear them." "I'll tell you mine if you'll tell me yours -- that is, if you've got any left." "Don't worry. I've one or two left, maybe even three." She cocked an eyebrow at me. "`Lezzy Bitch' was it? How many of those books did you write?" I made a face. She laughed as she bent limberly and straight-legged -- as if to taunt me with her body -- to pull on her sandals. She straightened and said, "You know, I really would like to see that book." "`Lezzy Bitch'?" "No, the one on the shelf -- `Fear of Flying'." We went into the living room. She retrieved her handbag (which is what they call a canvas steamer trunk with a strap on it) and I gave her the book. At the door, I asked, "Can I count on getting this book back?" "Hand-delivered," she said and started down the stairs. She waved from the third-floor landing. END Any and all feedback -- positive and negative -- is much-appreciated, as are suggestions. Even more appreciated would be to see more folks sharing their experi- ences and fantasies with the rest of us and giving us a chance to en- joy them. By the way -- have you hugged your SysOp lately?